Saturday, February 26, 2011
Good drawing
I really like this drawing. The model wasn't great and the drawing had a misfire - you can see the back half didn't work out so well. I was running out of time for the top half of the drawing, so I didn't allow myself time to screw up (again). The result was a quick, sure, and overall good drawing.
More more old stuff.
A few more scans from a couple years ago. These are all the same people I've drawn and posted before.
More Old Stuff
Here are a few more drawings. These are a couple years old at this point. I actually have about 8 books of drawings, but only a handful were scanned in.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
So here it is, and now I have no more excuses to get things up onto the blog. I just got a Mustek 1200 11x17" scanner. Yay.
Saturday, January 22, 2011

I'm terrible at getting new things posted, mostly because I don't have a scanner, and therefore can't readily transfer stuff from page to screen.
This is a new piece - art and line by Tim Fish ( with coloring by me. This is Michael, a super buff boy Tim and I saw out at various clubs. He is distinguished by his WIIIIIIIIIIIDE shoulders.
Monday, December 7, 2009
New Toy

My old website was disabled, and is now down. Probably for the best since I couldn't really update it anyway (stupid Homestead won't build a platform for Macs...)
Anyway. In the meantime I have a new toy to help with my Christmas Cards this year. More on those later.
UPDATE: Okay, well it's been a long time since i did screen printing and most of it came back to me, albeit not right at the onset. Also, I had apparently forgotten how messy screenprinting is. But it seemed to work fairly well - if not perfect. I think with a little more practice and a less crude positive image (I used cut paper stencils here) the results will be fantastic.

Sunday, July 19, 2009
Drawings of Statues

I went to Italy a year ago and it was amazing! Art everywhere. And lots of statues. Which meant random naked bodies to draw. This first drawing is a statue of Neptune in the Palazzo Bargello, the oldest Palazzo in Florence. The museum was sort of a side trip for me, but it yielded a huge collection of Donatello. In the lobby was this massive sculpture of Neptune, and sketching it allowed me to rest my feet for a few minutes. The pencil line didnt show up great in the scan so I've tweaked the color balance on this significantly.

The second drawing is a statue by Bandinelli that stands opposite Michelangelo's David on the steps of the Palazzo Vecch
io in the main piazza of Florence. The statue depicts Hercules defeating Cacus. It's kind of a funny statue in that Cacus seems more upset that Hercules has his junk right in his face rather that being clubbed.
Monday, July 6, 2009
In my day words didn't matter...we had FACES!!!!!
One of the best lines from Sunset Boulevard. And I figured that if I lead in with a joke it will make the fact that I draw people when they aren't looking at me a little less creepy. Yes, I'm the weird artist who sits in the corner and doesn't talk to anyone, but will turn crimson and look away when you make eye contact. Sorry, just the way it is. The rounded edges of the drawings are from my PM (pretentious Moleskine)

This was a flight attendant when I went to Italy. He was much bitchier than I drew him.

These two were cafe boys. It's tricky to get proportioning/expression correct when you can't actually just stare at someone...and when they won't hold still. So the boy above suffers from a small head (and weirdly elvish ears) and below needs his eyes to be spread a few centimeters wider.

From Photos

Luckily the internet has lots of photos to reference if you don't happen to have a model handy. These are a few drawings I've done from photos. The benefit is that the photos don't move, and so you can draw them as long as you'd like. The drawback is that you're essentially copying one image into another image, and so lose a lot of the life that a live model can convey.
old stuff

Okay, so about two years ago I moved from a place with a decent work/storage space to an apartment with almost none. I stopped focusing so much on sculpture and moved to classical figure drawing, something that has always interested me, but that I had pursued only on the sidelines. A friend generously loaned me his studio space and I hired models. This is from the very first drawing session. The model was 2 hours late, and not exactly 'as described'. Anyway, here's the drawing.
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